The new design hotel of the Santa’s Hotels chain, Santa’s Hotel Rakka in Kilpisjärvi, Finland, opened its doors in February 2023. The hotel offers 42 rooms and a 200-seat restaurant for visitors to the Saana fell and the Käsivarsi wilderness area. The interior design office dSign Vertti Kivi & Co is responsible for the hotel’s interior design.
Environmentally friendly Santa’s Hotel Rakka
The construction of the new design hotel will be based on environmental sustainability, which is why wood and modular construction have provided the perfect solution.
‘The project incorporates latest construction technology and the best Finnish know-how in wood construction, emphasising environmental friendliness and energy efficiency,’ Maarit Aho, CEO of the Santa’s Hotels chain explains.
High-level solutions for Arctic challenges
The unique design hotel is located in the magnificent scenery of Kilpisjärvi, as well as in an Arctic environment. The Arctic environment creates challenges that must also be considered in the construction process. Kilpisjärvi’s rapidly changing weather conditions also demand durability and good insulation from buildings.
The floor-to-ceiling windows of the buildings have also been produced by Polar Life Haus, and they are patented HTWS windows. The windows are compact, safe, and with a well-thought-out design. The large windows bring you closer to nature, and you can enjoy the beauty of Lapland at all times of the day and year even from indoors.
Architectural design of the site: Janne Kantee, architect SAFA.
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